The Master Lock No. 1500KA 3-digit combination padlock has many enhanced security features like the exclusive BlockGuard® Anti-Shim technology, hardened steel shackle and double-reinforced stainless steel casing. Designed to fit lockers with a padlock eye of at least 5/16in (8mm) diameter, these locks provide multiple customization options to fit your needs.

SKU: 1500KA Category:

Technical datasheet

  • Product Number:1500KA
  • Description:Non-Resettable Combination, Commercial Boxed Packaging
  • Shelf Pack Qty:12
  • Master Carton Qty:72
  • Body Width:1-7/8 in (48 mm)
  • Shackle Length:3/4 in (19 mm)
  • Shackle Width:13/16 in (21 mm)
  • Shackle Diameter:9/32 in (7 mm)
  • Color:Black